Monday, 22 July 2013

TRAMPS: Morwell - Coalville. 28 July.

Well we had an ideal day for a run in the hills.
We had 21 riders at Morwell for a ride in calm but still rather cool conditions.
The first few kilometres contained some delays with a flat tyre and a broken spoke needing attention. Some quick calculations of average speed to that point meant we would have been finishing well after dark. Fortunately our progress from that point on was somewhat brisker. The route had us initially out along the open section of the Strzelecki Highway. This road is not very exciting but all was to change with the turn into the hills towards Thorpedale. While the climb to Thorpedale is not steep it still lets you know that you are on a bike. The usual shortcut towards the top, Lilleys Road, was not used this year as we took the gentler climb up the dirt Ten Mile Creek Road. From this point it was the heart pumping plunge into Narracan. This was to be our refresh point but as is our current luck the facilities were locked. This meant that it was on without delay to our lunch stop at Coalville.
Lunch beside the tennis court was rather pleasant and riders made the most of each others company. Danielle had kindly provided back up for the day and had many extra treats for the team to enjoy.
After a relaxing break it was back into the uneven ground for the run to our old lunch spot in Newborough. Here we did manage to find a functional toilet block. Suitably relieved we proceeded via the back streets of town to rejoin our route near the top of the Haunted Hills. The only significant obstacle left for the day was the struggle up and over the freeway at Hernes Oak. The final run down Marretts Road was a fitting end to the day. It was then just a quiet wind down at the recently refurbished Morwell MacDonalds.
Even though this was a serious effort for most of the group the route does take us through some of the best countryside in the district. Hopefully this will remain as one of the club's regular outings.
Chivalry is alive and well
But you said you would

New girl up front
A spooky spot to stop
Lunchtime lounging
Dreaming of ochre on a single speed

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