Monday, 8 July 2013

TRAMPS: Maffra Briagalong 14 July

Those planning for a day out in the rain may have been disappointed.
It appears that while there were showers in the area, it was not our area.
The group for the day consisted of thirteen riders plus a couple of octogenarians in an off road starwagon. The back up couple provided much needed historical information for the day. Luckily their services as a rescue vehicle were not required. On to the ride. While the showers did manage to avoid us, the day was still overcast and rather chilly. The route was not challenging but still provided the odd climb to test out the cruisers. The group tended to stay together for the most part while still managing a rather high (Tramps standard) average speed. Members of the group insisted on me mentioning that the leader did a good job, although the ride director would not have conceded this point. The lunch location was reasonably quiet with the local BMX bandits taking a break for the duration of our stay. The run home was very relaxing except for the climb up Brewers Hill. After this short but intense effort the final run was back in relax mode. Also on the return our clean living Richard found a lolly shop, read fruit and veg. stall, to stock up his larder. Here the backup proved most useful as a transport van.
While this ride is somewhat out of the normal Tramps territory, I was pleased to see the solid turnout. We even had Eric make the two and a half hour journey to be with us; good effort.
Happy riders on first stop

Tall tales and true

Stop near Valencia Creek
That wasn't Mont Ventoux, Tim
Enjoying the cool conditions
The run home

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